0800 049 7097 oplicence@gmail.com

Looking for a Part-time Transport Manager?

If you hold a National or International Transport Manager qualification and would like part-time work in your area please call us for further information.  We are continually looking for professionally qualified CPC Holders.

The Role of the part-time Transport Manager includes all aspects relating to the safety of the vehicles eg Maintenance, Safety Checks, Driving Hours, Tachographs, Accurate Record Keeping.

It is important that the part-time Transport Manager makes regular visits and checks all the appropriate records and systems allowing you to run within the law.  They must be located within a reasonable distance of the operating centre and be of good repute.

You will be expected to meet with this person before making any decisions on moving forward and must budget to cover their monthly fees.  Work and payment is always direct, we act as an introduction only.

Looking for Part-time Employment Opportunities as a Transport Manager?

Any operator Licence used for “Hire & Reward” must have a qualified Transport Manager to support the Licence.   This person must be of good repute and be able to keep “Continuous & Effective Control” always.

Weekly Hours for the number of vehicles on an Operator Licence are issued by the Traffic Office e.g.

  • 1-2 Vehicles = 2-4 Hours
  • 3-5 Vehicles = 4-8 Hours
  • 6-10 Vehicles = 8-12 Hours

You are allowed up to 4 Operators and 50 vehicles provided you have enough spare hours to cover the time.  The Traffic Commissioner recognises the role of the part-time Transport Manager as a key aspect of any Operator Licence where a full-time person is not employed.


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